Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Our Hearts Knit as One

I had a wonderful afternoon with our Study Group. We learned from each other and had such a wonderful uplifting experience. We cried a little and laughed a lot!

We talked about the conference talk “Our hearts Knit As One”, given by President Henry B. Eyring. (click)

I love that we are doing ok with our unity but also know as President Eyring stated, “but that the great day of unity is coming. The need for that gift to be granted to us and the challenge to maintain it will grow greater in the days ahead. We must seek it and qualify for it with others.” Unity is something that we need to work on with others it cannot be done alone. Especially in our homes with our spouses, children and those that we hold dear to our hearts so that love for each other and for our Savior will grow, that we will become one in heart. “We must seek it, pray and work for the unity that will bring us joy and multiply our power to serve.” We talked about our hearts becoming soft and pliable willing to humble ourselves and accepting and praying for the Atonement in our lives as we make the changes necessary to become united. The knowledge that we need to become as one comes to us because of the atonement and our willingness to become like our Savior and loving each other as Christ loves us.

President Eyring talks about the importance of being a “skillful peacemaker who calm troubled waters before harm is done.” This is a spiritual gift that is given to some people, for all of us we need to work at becoming a peacemaker. A peacemaker “is the restorer of unity, is the one who finds a way to help people see the truth they share.” We must pray for the ability to become a peacemaker.

We talked about the importance of receiving personal revelation, through revelation we are taught truth in all things and guided by the Spirit to overcome weakness. With revelation we gain the strength and power to be united. The Spirit will magnify our knowledge and that knowledge becomes pure truth.

We also shared experiences and thoughts about speaking well of each other. President Eyring said,” As we get better and better at forging unity, we will think of a scripture when we hear that question: “And now, my brethren, seeing that ye know the light by which ye may judge, which light is the light of Christ, see that ye do not judge wrongfully: for with that same judgment which ye judge ye shall be judged.”

The miracle of unity lies in the hearts of the people, as our hearts knit together in unity with our Savior we will become magnified in power to overcome the world. When testimony about the Savior is borne, the Holy Ghost verifies it. When the Spirit is felt hearts are knit together. The miracle of unity lies in the hearts of the people, as our hearts knit together in unity with our Savior we will become magnified in power to overcome the world and become one with our Savior, Jesus Christ.

1 comment:

The Pea said...

I was so moved by this talk in conference. I have several times in my life I have felt the sprit tell me to call or visit someone and I have kind of brushed it aside. There are also so many times in my life when woman have come to my door or on my phone just when I needed them.
This really did change my heart on this subject and I know I will listen to every single tiny little whisper that comes my way. Even if the person I call say Oh I have no idea why you felt you needed to call me. I know I would feel nice to have someone call who cared enough to think about it.