Friday, October 1, 2010

Journal Keeping

What a beautiful day we are having today here in Minnesota on the first day of October. I went for a walk and didn't even need a sweater. It was wonderful.
On my walk I listened to 1st Nephi (The Book of Mormon) and there were so many things that were going through my mind as I listened to all that happened to Lehi in those first 8 chapters. I wish that we had all of Lehi’s writings but I am so grateful for Nephi and the chapters that he did share with us.
Applying this to my own life I thought how sad that I have not kept a journal to share with my posterity. I have failed them in one more area and I am so sorry. I always thought that my life was not that important. Things that were happening were just every day experiences only pertaining to me. Then, there are things that I didn’t think I would ever forget and now my memory has faded and those times will be gone. I have forgotten so many things that are dear to me, so many experiences with family and friends. Maybe they wouldn’t mean anything to anyone else but again maybe they would touch someone’s life and help them in a time of need, I will never know.
I have notebooks filled with notes from talks and my thoughts about them and I have written down a few experience but they are scattered everywhere. I have this blog where I share things that are important to me. But maybe, after this experience today I will do better; maybe as I live the last years of my life I will remember and keep a journal and try to remember those things that are most important to me to leave for my family. I hope that I will make the time to do this and maybe someone that reads this will realize how important a journal is and will start their own.

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